2316494111956379 Fed Up With Those Bad Habits Ruining Your Midlife? Watch this.... - The Star Monroe Show

Episode 71

Fed Up With Those Bad Habits Ruining Your Life? Listen To This.... - 71

Published on: 29th November, 2023

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If you've ever wondered why sticking to healthy habits or steering clear of that narcissistic ex seems impossible, let me tell you, it's not that there's something wrong with you. It's all about how you think about yourself. Changing how you show up in midlife, building healthier relationships, managing your finances, taking care of your body and wellness, it all starts and ends with your self-perception and your daily self-talk.

If you're constantly telling yourself, "I can't help it, this is who I am, I always mess up," then that's exactly what you'll keep getting in life. But hey, Star Monroe here, and I've got just the antidote for you. It's about becoming the main character of your life. Yes, you heard that right. You are the superstar of your life, and you get to call the shots – your life, your rules.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Life is a game. If you don't know how to play it, life will play you. It all begins and ends with you stepping into that main character energy – confident, unbothered, and totally exclusive.

So, how do you do this? Stop dwelling on your faults and past mistakes. Start focusing on who you want to become. Don't get hung up on the 'I don't know how' – I'm handing it to you on a plate. You're stepping into the role of the main character of your life.

It's time to become acutely aware of your inner dialogue and start talking to yourself as if you are that main character, that top-billed superstar. Focus on what you want and how you want to navigate the world. Here are a couple of tips to integrate this into your life:

One mantra I repeat daily is "I am the prize." At first, it might feel superficial, but with patience and consistency, it'll sink in. Say to yourself, "I am my most valuable asset. I am a woman who takes good care of herself. I am a woman who doesn't text toxic people. I am a woman with standards higher than the Burj Khalifa. I am strong, independent, and I know what's best for me."

Here's a game-changer: there's already a part of you that knows what's best for you – your higher self, God, Source Energy, whatever you call it. This voice is guiding you. It's telling you to stop engaging in harmful behaviours. You become this woman by talking her into existence every single day. Focus on what you want, not what went wrong.

Star Monroe is a Midlife Psychotherapist & Confidence Catalyst guiding you into your Main Character Era. Confident, Unbothered & Exclusive.

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About the Podcast

The Star Monroe Show
The High Standards Woman
Welcome to "The Star Monroe Show," where your transformation into the woman you've always envisioned begins today. I'm Star Monroe, your guide to a life of extraordinary heights. Are you an ambitious woman over 50, determined to claim more from life and refuse to settle? Then you're exactly where you need to be.

Each episode is crafted to empower you to elevate every aspect of your life—your mind, body, soul, and financial well-being—while relentlessly pursuing your dreams. My mission is clear: to foster a mindset of resilience and self-reliance, enabling you to demand more from yourself before seeking it from the world.

Here, we champion the bold act of decentering men to spotlight your own narrative, helping you claim your rightful place at the forefront of your life. Ready to lead a life of unmatched excellence? Join me on "The Star Monroe Show."This isn't just a podcast—it's your catalyst for becoming a powerful, assertive, and high-standard woman. Tune in and transform with me.

About your host

Profile picture for Star Monroe

Star Monroe

Having already lived and loved enough for 100 lifetimes, along with my licensing and certifications in psychotherapy, sex, love & relationships, inner child healing, eating psychology, somatic therapy, body psychotherapy, conscious relationships, dominatrix training, what I bring to every table is power, truth, rawness, and soul-medicine that touches my clients deeply.

I’ve been through drug addiction, bankruptcy, failed marriages, single motherhood, building successful businesses since I was 18, and more to arrive at the doorstep of women who are ready to unlock and unleash their greatest powers.

I stand before you a woman whose fire ignites those around her.

You’ve heard of the Phoenix. I am her. I know and understand the nuances of change. I am wise beyond my years and an alchemist of the highest order. Self-mastery is my medicine. I know and understand the workings of the body, energy, the heart, and the mind. So when it comes to my clients realizing their inner truths, developing unwavering confidence, and learning to leave everything that doesn’t serve them behind, I have a 100% success rate.

And they are left with uncompromisable lives that FINALLY LEAVE THEM BREATHLESS.