2316494111956379 Respect Yourself Enough to Walk Away from Anything That No Longer Serves You - The Star Monroe Show

Episode 99

Respect Yourself Enough to Walk Away from Anything That No Longer Serves You - 99

Published on: 14th May, 2024

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Are you constantly finding yourself on the clearance rack, despite knowing you're destined to be a high-value woman? Listen up. High-value women respect their time, energy, and emotional landscapes. This not only safeguards their energy but also naturally repels toxic influences—without lifting a finger. It’s all about the energy you emit.

So, why haven't you embraced this mindset? If you've grown up in an environment where your experiences were dismissed—like those endless "Stop crying" or "Get over it" comments—you've likely learned to ignore your needs. This isn't just about you; I'm a living example. I dragged this toxic baggage into adulthood, stumbling through codependency, poor financial choices, and not one, but three mental breakdowns.

It took me far too long to wake up to the reality that these patterns were not my identity—they were my conditioning. If you haven't worked through these issues in therapy yet, you've got work to do. It's crucial to pay attention to your emotional needs and fulfill them yourself. You're the only one who should dictate your life's quality—no one else.

Why Midlife? Why Now?

Midlife presents a pivotal moment to do this crucial work. It’s a time when many women reassess what they want from the next chapters of their lives. Doing this work now is essential to shed past limitations and attract more of what you truly desire—be it fulfilling relationships, career growth, or personal peace. Midlife is not just a time to look back; it’s a significant opportunity to design your future with intention and clarity.

How do you start changing this? Acknowledge the heavy conditioning you've carried. Understand that seeking external validation is a trap. Turn inwards. Listen to your body, your intuition, your emotions. It's tough, sure, but living in denial is far worse. Choose your hard.

I'll give you a personal example. Recently, I told my mother I was upset, and she dismissed my feelings. Instead of spiraling into self-doubt, I stepped back to recalibrate. I recognized this as an old pattern of dismissing my own feelings, and instead, chose to honor my emotional response.

By acknowledging and respecting my own boundaries, I strengthen my relationship with myself. This isn't a one-time fix; it’s a continuous practice of honoring yourself and refusing to numb or deny your reality. To attract respect, opportunity, and genuine connections, it starts with respecting yourself and viewing your life through a lens of high value.

Every day you wake up with yourself; every night you go to bed with yourself.

👉🏻Make sure it's someone worth waking up and going to bed with.

Be unapologetically you, honor your emotions, and watch how your world changes. Midlife is your chance to reset, recalibrate, and radiate the energy that attracts the life you deserve. Let this be your time to shine.

If you are an ambitious, successful woman over 50 who is ready to raise the roof on her standards and self-worth, because darling, when you know how valuable you are, you always get what you want—then it's time to take action. Hire me as your private coach and therapist. Right now, you can book a 1-hour consultancy session or choose the deeper path with my 3-month Rebirth package. Everything you need is right here.

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About the Podcast

The Star Monroe Show
The High Standards Woman
Welcome to The Star Monroe Show, for women who demand more because they know they’re here for more. This is your space to rebuild your self-worth, rewrite the rules, and take back control. You’ll learn how to shatter old patterns, elevate your standards, and create a life so magnetic it bends to your will. Be the woman who always gets what she wants.

About your host

Profile picture for Star Monroe

Star Monroe

Having already lived and loved enough for 100 lifetimes, along with my licensing and certifications in psychotherapy, sex, love & relationships, inner child healing, eating psychology, somatic therapy, body psychotherapy, conscious relationships, dominatrix training, what I bring to every table is power, truth, rawness, and soul-medicine that touches my clients deeply.

I’ve been through drug addiction, bankruptcy, failed marriages, single motherhood, building successful businesses since I was 18, and more to arrive at the doorstep of women who are ready to unlock and unleash their greatest powers.

I stand before you a woman whose fire ignites those around her.

You’ve heard of the Phoenix. I am her. I know and understand the nuances of change. I am wise beyond my years and an alchemist of the highest order. Self-mastery is my medicine. I know and understand the workings of the body, energy, the heart, and the mind. So when it comes to my clients realizing their inner truths, developing unwavering confidence, and learning to leave everything that doesn’t serve them behind, I have a 100% success rate.

And they are left with uncompromisable lives that FINALLY LEAVE THEM BREATHLESS.