Episode 75
Flaunt Yourself! - 75
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Getting older is sexy AF....
And it reveals itself in how you.......
Handle your financial affairs
How you take care of your health and wellness
How you manage your time
How you make yourself a priority
How you focus on the long game (and not short term gratification)
It's about how you communicate your needs (without shouting, stamping your foot, or shutting down completely)
It's about how you keep the promises you make to yourself
It's about how you take responsibility for your part in this co-creation of your life
It's about owning that fact that YOU AND ONLY YOU can shift and change your life (pssst stop handing things the universe, it doesn't give a shit about you)
It's about how you navigate the pitfalls, the failures, the breakdowns. Oh, and the breakthroughs and ecstatic moments too!
It's about how you go to therapy and heal the wounded parts of your psyche
It's about how you can laugh at yourself and life
It's how you finally understand that your triggers are your teachers
It's about the discipline to stay on course (when everything wants to pulls you off it)
It's about the deep understanding that there are no rules and there is no one path
It's about the connection you have with your body
It's about the connection you have with your wisest self
It's about YOU welcoming all parts of you back home to yourself.
This is what maturity looks like.
Star Monroe is a Midife Psychotherapist & Confidence Catalyst guiding you into your Main Character Era. Confident. Unbothered. Exclusive.